Friday, March 25, 2011

Tired, but Content

It's so peaceful this evening, with a spring snow softly falling, the fire blazing, my kitty asleep on the couch beside me, the kiddos laughing away at old episodes of The Cosby Show, Eric on his way home with ingredients for Irish Cream, a long, stressful week behind me.

I'm tired, but content. Stiff in the neck, but warm in the heart. Ready for a weekend, but already geared up for another week of work, home, family and my life, which is so good I can hardly believe it.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I had such a lovely 38th birthday. I awoke to clatter in the kitchen and wondered what was going on at first, then realized in a sleepy haze that, "Hey! It's my birthday."

They were making me breakfast. Sonja made eggs. Ani made orange juice. Bryni made toast. Daddy made coffee. And supervised.

On the breakfast table were red roses and a gift certificate for some fun at a salon. I see a mani-pedi in my future.

That evening, we had dinner out and enjoyed a very large chocolate cake. Yes, it came from Costco as do most things in our home. De-lish.

One of my best birthdays ever. For certain.